A specific dedicated visual identity was designed and prepared for the communication of
the Europe Week 2018 in Albania. The creative platform and design amplifications were
focused on the concept of the Cultural Heritage, in line with the EU strategy of this year,
by implementing Albanian culture symbols and elements stylized in a unique artistic way,
in order to reinforce the main message of the Week.
The design was implemented in the communication and promotion of the activities varied
from posters, brochures, flyers, roll ups, social media banners, videos, etc. Dedicated
communication was designed for each event making as such a full planned and
implemented campaign reaching out effectively all the target groups and audiences.
Good weather conditions in some activities enabled a large turnout while raining
conditions in some others limited the participation.
The impact on the media and social media was large, counting a great number of outlets
publishing, promoting and reporting on the activities in traditional and social media.
And, last but not least, organization of these activities was a team driven effort with
strong cooperation between Europe House core team and support team as well as
tremendous support and help from the core team dealing with Communications at the
EU Delegation in Tirana.