Launch of environmental campaign “Today for Environment”

Launch of environmental campaign “Today for Environment”

The European Union Delegation to Albania launched today the environmental campaign TodayforEnvironment to raise awareness about environmental protection, plastic pollution and to encourage alternatives to single-use plastics. There was no better place than the Museum of Natural Sciences “Sabiha Kasimati” to launch the campaign with the participation of the EU Ambassador Luigi Soreca, Albanian Minister...

EU Beach Cleanup 2019

EU Beach Cleanup 2019

150 volunteers from the EU Delegation to Albania, Europe House, Green Line Albania, Eden Center, and “Kolin Gjoka” Vocational High School came together to participate in EU Beach Cleanup 2019 and clean the Tale beach in Lezha! We collected more than 180 bags of plastic and waste that is damaging Albania’s beautiful coast and sea. United, we...

Peace Justice, Strong Institutions and their Impact on Gender Equality

Peace Justice, Strong Institutions and their Impact on Gender Equality

A conference organised by the Institute for European Studies of the University of Tirana following a call for student papers on the topic “”Peace, Justice and Strong Institutions” – Their Impact on Gender Equality”. The conference will present the results though a panel of experts, as well as the publication of the best papers. The conference is organised in...

Europe Week High School Volleyball Tournament – Day 1

Europe Week High School Volleyball Tournament – Day 1

This competition of mixed volleyball teams brought together participants from Durrës, Elbasan, Rrëshen, Lushnja and Tirana. Organised in cooperation with the Albanian Volleyball Federation. Group-phase matches were played all day on Friday, 10 May

Fshati i BE (Java e Evropës 2019)

Fshati i BE (Java e Evropës 2019)

EU Village 2019 u përqëndrua në Aktivizmin e Rinisë, Biznesit Social, Vullnetarizimit, Arsimit dhe Shkëmbimet Ndër-Kulturore të Rinisë me 12 stenda të alokuara për temat e Rinisë. Në njërin kënd u organizua një program diskutimesh me publikun dhe aktivitete argëtuese. Fshati i BE-së u organizua në bashkëpunim me Ambasadat e Shteteve Anëtare të BE-së dhe...

Europe Day Reception: The Power of Youth! (Europe Week 2019)

Europe Day Reception: The Power of Youth! (Europe Week 2019)

The 9 May reception was held at the Palace of Brigades with a musical programme dedicated to the power of youth: Anthems by the students of the Artistic Lyceum, musical entertainment by the students of the Tirana University of Arts. Artistic programme concluded with a concert by Elina Duni. More than 800 guests were present...