The EU Delegation to Albania launched its new campaign: EuropeIsHere! The European Union gives 100 million Euro to Albania every year to...

The handover ceremony of the EU Council Presidency to Germany
“Big thanks to EU2020HR for mastering its first EU Council Presidency in very difficult times. Happy 7th EU-versary as well,...

European Solidarity Corps – live info session
Me date 25 qershor së bashku me Përtej Barrierave, u zhvillua një seancë live informimi për të njohur më mirë...

Ambassador Soreca hands over EU medical aid to Albania – 3rd part
The EU continues to be close to Albanian people and Albanian health authorities in the fight against COVID19. Last week...

IPARD – Info session
Për shkak të interesit të lartë për mbështetjen tonë për fermerët dhe agro-biznesin përmes programit #IPARD, Delegacioni i Bashkimit Evropian në...

Ambassador Soreca hands over EU medical aid to Albania
EU Ambassador Luigi Soreca delivered to the Albanian Minister of Health and Social Protection Ogerta Manastirliu the third part of...

Albano Carrisi’s message
Albano Carrisi, the first Western artist to perform in Tirana in 1989 singing songs of freedom in front of thousands...

Antonio Diodato performance
The winner of the 70th edition of Sanremo Antonio Diodato has prepared an exclusive performance for Europe Week. Be sure...

Alban Skënderaj performance
Get ready to listen to the songs of Alban Skenderaj in a way you’ve never done before: alone with a guitar...

Duo Aritmija performance
Balkan rhythms have always been special in style and combination of instruments. Such will be the ones that will accompany...

Remi Panossian performance
Get ready for an energetic and captivating piano performance called “Do” from the talented French artist Remi Panossian on Friday...